Students and researchers experience a seamless educational experience in undergraduate sciences in this complex that promotes an interdisciplinary science community rather than ten independent academic programs. This 128,000 SF facility is adjacent to the existing Luther West Science Building. The three-story building is connected on all levels of the existing facility. The sloping site affords an opportunity to continue the two-story height and massing already established by existing buildings, and to locate the primary building entry on the second floor or mid-level of the new building. A 142,370 SF renovation of the 1966 Luther West Science Building accommodates lab and classroom facilities, large lecture halls, teaching and research greenhouse facilities, the nursing and health sciences program, a new public entry and faculty offices. A smaller addition to the West Science Building accommodates facilities for the Glenn T. Seaborg Center for Teaching and Learning Science and Mathematics, an innovative center that is part of a state-wide network that provides service to primary and secondary level students and instructors, as well as graduate programs for teachers.