Tucked into the hillside of a beautifully wooded 150-acre park, this 52,000 SF facility offers a diverse menu of activities with spaces for sports, meetings, crafts and exercise. Various spaces are configured around the main entry hall in such a manner that a competitive team sport, like basketball, can coexist with arts and crafts. A generously equipped weight room is adjacent to a large dance studio that converts into three meeting rooms with the help of movable walls and individual sound systems. The balcony that circles the gymnasium doubles as an indoor track with large windows, offering patrons picturesque views of the park. A 25-yard barrier-free indoor pool responds to individuals with special needs. A comfortable trio of natural wood, warm gray furnishings and red accents complement the center’s recreational purpose. Its gambrel roof and exterior materials – split face concrete block and cedar siding – were inspired by the old red barn which once occupied the site. TMP has also completed subsequent entrance renovations and upgrades to this facility.