This new 70,000 SF library, situated on an L-shaped site on the edge of the City of Rochester, offers views of the natural beauty of the adjacent Paint Creek River. The interior of the library is flexible, efficient and highly technology oriented. The circulation lobby, with its sweeping curvilinear desk, is a triage space for the Children’s Library, the Outreach Library, and the Adult Library on the floor above. Ascending a dramatic terrazzo stair provides views toward the ravine beyond and overlooks a formal outdoor flower garden. At the second level, one is greeted within a linear vaulted space defining the reference and information center for the adult library. The collection, reading spaces and specialty rooms are housed within a highly flexible loft space.
Features of the library include an Outreach Services Center to assist patrons with impaired vision or hearing, a library gift shop, and a drive-in return and check out area. A large built-in fish tank is a popular attraction in the children’s library and entrance.
TMP designed a subsequent 6,630 SF addition and renovation to give the library a dedicated book sale area, additional storage, an automated book return, and an updated drive-up book return lane.