Enhancing its medical school offerings, the Taubman Health Sciences Library (THSL) building is completely renovated and redesigned to meet 21st Century medical education standards and LCME accreditation requirements. Working closely together, TMP Architecture and Ballinger developed a robust and innovative program for one of the nation’s top medical schools.
Directly connected to the vast medical resources of the University of Michigan Hospital and Health Centers, the LEED Gold certified THSL functions as the front door to medical education at the University. The facility features vast digital resources and research access. Other key elements of the project include: Health Sciences educational space including small group study spaces, testing areas, classrooms, and large group collaborative learning spaces; Health Sciences Library consolidation and a Medical Student Commons; a secure dedicated medical student lounge; extensive and technically state-of-the-art standardized patient and clinical skills instructional space; redistribution of Medical School educational and support offices throughout the building. The team also developed a long term re-use plan for the overall building, including complete renovation and replacement of the building exterior. Associated firm: Ballinger