- 2018 Award Winning Year for TMP
- Brazen Completes Larson Leadership Initiative Program
- Cascades Elementary Recognized as Grand Prize K-12 School
- Construction Underway on New Early Childhood Education Center, Novi
- Copeland, O’Neal, Read and Rose Promoted to Principals of Firm
- Crisler Center, University of Michigan, Earns LEED™ Gold
- Danielle O’Neal Wins AIA Michigan Young Architect Award
- Derek Dinkeloo Promoted to Partner
- EMU Rec/IM Recognized as Outstanding Project
- Fred J. Grunert Awarded AIA Southwest Michigan Impact Award
- Glen Paulsen: 1917-2012
- Groundbreaking Ceremony Held for New Early Childhood Center, Port Huron
- Grunert Joins Firm as TMP Principal
- Guinta & O’Neal Receive Architectural Registration
- Hall, Rose, Smith and Waldrop Named Department Leaders at TMP Architecture
- Hartwig, Huckendubler, McDevitt and Rodriguez Leon Promoted to Associates of Firm
- Jackson Aquatic Center and MSU School of Packaging Win Outstanding Design
- Jessica Hartwig Scores Bronze in Zero-Waste Education Center Design Competition!
- John Burhenn and Brett Carte Promoted to Vice President
- John Castellana Elected to AIA College of Fellows Executive Committee
- John Waldrop Promoted to Partner of Firm
- Laura Casai Honored as 2016 Member of Oakland County Executive’s Elite 40 Under 40
- Lauren Bush and Jen Maino Earn NCIDQ Certification
- Martin Luther King Jr. Senior High School, Detroit, Earns LEED™ Gold
- Mishra Earns Accredited Learning Environments Designation
- Misty Raatz Joins TMP’s Architectural Group
- MSU School of Packaging Earns Distinction for Outstanding Renovation
- MSU’s Billman Music Pavilion Earns AIAMI and MIM Awards
- MSU’s College of Music Selected as Louis I. Kahn Recipient – UM’s Dance Building also Earns Recognition
- New Math and Science Center Earns LEED™ Gold
- Ribbon Cutting Ceremony: Celebrating MSU’s School of Packaging
- Sarah Watson Promoted to Principal
- Schoolcraft Elementary Wins AIA Southwest Michigan Merit Award
- Seeney, Vukits, Rock and Ternes Promoted
- Steve Smith Wins 2018 AIA Michigan Robert F. Hastings Award
- TMP Architecture “Lights it Up Blue” for World Autism Awareness Day
- TMP Architecture & Spring Lake Public Schools Begin Design Phase for Facility Upgrades
- TMP Architecture Appoints New Board Member
- TMP Architecture Appoints New President
- TMP Architecture Awarded Best Project Team
- TMP Architecture Hires Five Professionals
- TMP Architecture Hires Graphic Designers
- TMP Architecture Hires New Professionals
- TMP Architecture Hires New Professionals
- TMP Architecture Hires Project Manager
- TMP Architecture Hires Seven Professionals
- TMP Architecture Hires Three Professionals
- TMP Architecture Hires Three Professionals
- TMP Architecture Hires Three Professionals in Portage Office
- TMP Architecture Hires Two Professionals
- TMP Architecture Introduces New Marketing Department
- TMP Architecture Project Earns Flooring Design Award
- TMP Architecture Project Earns Outstanding Design Award
- TMP Architecture Promotes Five Professionals
- TMP Architecture Promotes Two Professionals
- TMP Architecture Promotes Two to Associate
- TMP Architecture Welcomes Two New Members to Board of Directors
- TMP Architecture’s Blanc Promoted to Principal
- TMP Architecture’s Laura Casai Promoted to Senior Associate
- TMP Expands Architectural Department
- TMP Hires Deb Brazen
- TMP Hires Three Professionals
- TMP Hires Three Professionals
- TMP Interior Designers Pass NCIDQ Exam
- TMP Promotes Five Professionals
- TMP Promotes Two Professionals
- TMP Promotes Two to Associate
- TMP Remembers Kent Johnson
- TMP’s Casai, Dinkeloo, Mishra, Waldrop, and Weinrauch Promoted to Vice Presidents of Firm
- TMP’s Eduardo Blanc Elected to the Association for Learning Environments Midwest Great Lakes Region Board of Directors
- TMP’s Grunert Elevated to Firm Partner
- TMP’s Hess Receives Architectural Registration
- TMP’s Kayla Harris Co-Authors Article on Developing Inclusive Playgrounds
- TMP’s O’Grady Promoted to Associate
- TMP’s Peterson appointed to BSD’s Specification Content and User Experience Advisory Committee
- TMP’S Benish, Hall, and Panizzoli Promoted to Principals of Firm
- TMP’s Marotta, Pitt, Reich, Vreeland, and Weber Promoted to Associates of Firm
- TMP’s Mishra Promoted to Senior Associate
- Twice as Nice: Two TMP Projects Recognized for Design Excellence
- U-M Taubman Health Sciences Library Earns LEED™ Gold
- Virginia Military Institute Selects TMP for Renovation Project
- Watson, Harris, Kennedy, and Miller Earn NCIDQ Certification
- Aireal Taylor, MBA, Associate
- Alex Hutchinson
- Alex Jones
- Amy Rydleski, RA, NCARB
- Anna Read
- Anthony Rosas, ASSOC. AIA
- Arvin Stephenson
- Barbara Vukits, RA, LEED AP BD+C
- Bill Weinrauch, Assoc. AIA
- Brad Pitt, LEED AP BD+C
- Brett Carte, Assoc. AIA
- Danielle O’Neal, AIA
- Daryl Benish, AIA
- David W. Larson, AIA
- Derek Dinkeloo, AIA
- Dionne Fisher
- Donovan Egan, Associate
- Eduardo Blanc, Intl. Assoc. AIA
- Ellie Sciatto
- Eric Wolfe
- Franco Antonnicola
- Fred Grunert, AIA, NCARB, GGP
- Gail A. Allevato, CPSM
- Galina Mihaylova, ASSOC. AIA, LEED AP
- Greg Smith, AIA, Principal
- Jason Hynes
- Jen Kempken
- Jennifer Maino
- Jessica Hartwig, LEED GREEN ASSOC.
- Joe D’Agostini
- John J. Castellana, FAIA, REFP
- John R. Burhenn, LEED AP, CCCA, CDT
- John Rock
- John Waldrop, AIA, LEED AP
- Joyce Monette
- Joyce Monette
- Julia Wang
- Kayla Harris
- Ken Tokarz
- Keri Seeney, NCIDQ, Principal
- Kyra Copeland
- Lauren Bush
- Leah Baum
- Mark Stievater, AIA
- Matt Gielow, AIA, CSI, CDT, ICC, LEED AP
- Matthew Feldbush
- Matthew Weber
- Megan Ternes
- Melanie Hall, AIA, Principal
- Mike Wittenberg
- Natalie Miller
- Nicole Kennedy
- Pam Rodriguez-Leon, LEED GREEN ASSOC
- Ric Whitney
- Ryan O’Neil
- Sarah Watson, NCIDQ, Principal
- Stacey Kesler, Associate
- Thomas Barber
- Tony Marotta
- Tracy Ezell, AIA, NCARB
- Troy Huckendubler, ASSOC. AIA
- 12th Street Elementary School
- 5th Floor Hospital Renovation
- A. Alfred Taubman Health Care Center
- Academic Addition
- Al Glick Indoor Football Practice Facility
- Anchor Bay High School
- Athletic Facility Additions/Renovation
- Athletics Complex
- Athletics South Campus Performance Center
- Auto/Diesel Institute
- Avondale High School Addition & Remodeling
- Bahna Wrestling Center
- Beacon Tree Elementary School
- Billman Music Pavilion
- Bott Building for Nursing Education & Research
- Brown Hall Renovation
- Buetow Center Expansion
- Cancer and Geriatrics Center
- Cancer and Geriatrics Center
- Cass Technical High School
- Central High School Addition & Remodeling
- Central High School Addition & Remodeling
- Central High School Additions & Remodeling
- Charles L. Bowers Academy
- Classroom 4 the Future Program
- Clinton-Macomb Main Library
- Commerce & Finance Building Renovation
- Community Recreation Center
- Constantine High School
- Corps Physical Training Facilities
- Courtyard Restoration
- Crisler Center Renovation & Expansion
- Crystal M. Lange College of Health & Human Services
- Crystal M. Lange College of Health & Human Services
- Dance Building
- Desert Torah Academy PreK–8 School
- Desert View High School
- Dexter Early Elementary Complex
- Digital Media Studio, Fine Arts Wing & Black Box Theater
- Digital Media Studio, Fine Arts Wing & Black Box Theater
- District Upgrades / Gym & Auditorium Additions
- Dublin Elementary
- Early Childhood Education Center
- Early Childhood Education Center
- Elementary School Replacements
- Elementary School Science, Art & Music Additions
- Elkhart Health & Aquatics Center
- Eppler Junior High School Remodeling
- Family & Youth Center
- Farmington Early Childhood Center
- Father Gabriel Richard High School – Phase 1
- Fitness & Wellness Center
- Fitness Center Addition/Renovation
- Ford Community Center
- Ford Community Center
- Fordson High School Addition
- Frank T. & Mary C. Padzieski Science Center
- Glenn T. Seaborg Science Complex
- Glenn T. Seaborg Science Complex
- Gretchko Elementary School
- Grewcock Student Union
- Groves & Seaholm High School Natatorium & Gymnasium Additions
- Harper Hospital Intensive Care Unit
- Harvest Elementary School
- Haslett High School Addition & Remodeling
- Health Sciences Addition & Renovation
- Health Sciences Addition & Renovation
- Health Sciences Building
- Hematologic Malignancies & Stem Cell Transplant Clinic
- Hickory Woods Elementary School
- High School Addition & Remodeling
- High School Auditorium Addition
- High School Auditorium Additions
- High School Media Center Renovations
- High School Pool Addition
- Hillside Middle School
- Holmes Elementary School
- Holt High School
- Howard Music Hall
- Information Complex Expansion
- Intercollegiate Athletics Facilities
- Intramural West Fitness Center
- Iris Becker Elementary School
- Jackson High School Aquatic Center
- Jeffers Elementary School
- Jenks Math & Science Center
- Kathleen M. Cotter Early Childhood Center
- Kreft Center for the Arts
- Lake High School
- Lawrence & Idell Weisberg Cancer Treatment Center
- Liberty Middle School
- Library Expansion & Renovation
- Lincoln Elementary School Addition & Remodeling
- Lower School Expansion
- Martin Luther King Jr. Senior High School
- Maternal & Child Health Center
- Mayville Middle School
- Meijer Branch Library Addition
- Meri Lou Murray Recreation Center
- Muskegon Heights High School
- New Hull Prairie Intermediate School
- Niles New Tech Entrepreneurial Academy
- North Campus Student Center
- Northern High School
- Northern High School
- Northville District Library
- Novi High School Fitness Center
- Novi Woods Elementary Classroom Remodeling
- Oakman Elementary School Addition & Remodeling
- Olds-Robb Rec/IM Renovation
- Outdoor Education Center
- Oxford High School Addition & Remodeling
- Penta Career Center
- Performing Arts & Education Building
- Perkins Academy
- Pinckney Community High School
- ProMed Physicians Office
- Prototype Elementary Schools
- Rackham Hall Renovation
- Recreation & Athletic Center
- Rochester Hills Public Library
- Rossford Junior-Senior High School Reconstruction
- Royal Oak Public Library Addition & Renovation
- Saginaw Arts & Sciences Academy
- Salina Elementary School
- SC4 Fieldhouse Renovation
- School of Hospitality Business Learning Labs
- School of Kinesiology Renovation/Addition
- School of Packaging
- Schoolcraft Elementary
- Seligman Performing Arts Center
- Skyline High School
- South Branch Library
- South River Elementary School
- Southwest Middle High School: Academia Bilingüe
- St. Andrew’s Scots School Master Plan
- Stephen M. Ross Academic Center
- Sterling Heights High School Performing Arts Center
- Strosacker Science Center
- Student Activity Center
- Student Fitness Center
- Student Housing
- Student Housing
- Student Housing
- Student Housing
- Student Recreation Center
- Student Recreation Center
- Superior Dome
- Swanton High School
- Taft-Galloway Elementary School Addition & Remodeling
- Taubman Health Sciences Facility Renovation
- Tecumseh High School
- The Hive at MSU
- Thompson Middle School
- Three New Prototype Middle Schools
- Troy Preschool
- U-M Soccer Stadium
- Varsity Golf Team Practice & Training Facility
- Village Theater at Cherry Hill
- Walled Lake Early Childhood Center
- Westacres Branch Expansion & Renovation
- Westland Public Library
- Wharton Center for Performing Arts Addition & Renovation
- White Library
- Whitmore Lake High School
- Wilkshire Early Childhood Center
- William Davidson Player Development Center
- William F. Weber Performing Arts Center
- William Ford Career-Tech Center
- William Ford Elementary School
- Wing Lake Developmental Center
- YMCA of the Blue Water Area